a NEW short Sunday sermon



“Spiritual light rarely comes to those who merely sit in darkness waiting for someone to flip a switch. It takes an act of faith to open our eyes to the Light of Christ. Spiritual light cannot be discerned by carnal eyes.”

—Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “The Hope of God’s Light

This quote reminded me of an experience that I think I’ll share for my short Sunday sermon.  It’s not as short as is typical, but not terribly long.  Hope you can stay awake! :o)

Our extended family had a family reunion, oh, about a decade ago now! For one of the activities, we rode our bikes through the Snoqualmie Pass tunnel.  If I remember correctly, the tunnel is about 2 miles long. Before entering the tunnel, I had everyone stop and pose for this photo:


As soon as the shutter clicked, the kids were OFF…quickly!!!  They were excited to get going and they did not want to wait for me to put my camera away or wait for me to get on my bike!  I was the last one in the tunnel and all the others (with their flashlights) were quite a ways ahead of me. My flashlight must have been pretty weak because I remember basically riding in total darkness.  All I could see was a faint red reflector from my son’s bike quite a ways ahead of me.  I thought those 2 miles would never come to an end! I’d be riding and feel like I’d almost run into the side wall of the tunnel, then correct my course, and then feel like I would almost hit the other side! I was vacillating like that the entire ride. It was miserable!

Finally, there was a light at the end of the tunnel (literally!). We had a nice picnic lunch and prepared our bikes for the journey back.  This time, everyone waited for everyone to be ready.  We rode our bikes in a little ways and stopped until everyone’s eyes had adjusted to the darkness.  Then we all stayed together and it was amazing how different that ride was! It was fun!  I could actually see where I was going!

We traveled home from our reunion and arrived home on a Saturday.  The next day in church, I reflected on my experience. I felt strongly that I am blessed to have the light of the gospel in my life.  I feel like having the gospel is like our return ride, back through the tunnel.  I can see clearly. I know my Heavenly Father’s Plan for us. Alternatively, I think if I didn’t have the light of the gospel, it would be more like the first ride where I was in total darkness.  I’d probably be vacillating back and forth from one theological idea to the next. Not knowing which way to go. I felt very blessed and peaceful to have the knowledge that I have.

So! That’s my personal analogy about Spiritual Light.  I think I’ll always remember that ride through the tunnel!

Have a great day!  Do or learn something NEW!

ps  I understand the tunnel is closed to hikers, bikers etc now. Here’s an article about it HERE.