a NEW book recommendation


Happy Monday everyone!  I have a good book recommendation for you!  I read this book a few years ago, but this last week I re-read it.  I needed to refresh my memory because I am hosting a book club next month and this is the book we are going to discuss.  The first time I read it, I knew I liked it a lot, but didn’t really think why.  But this time, I think I realized WHY I enjoyed it so much.  Because I love family history research and love finding mysteries of old, I really connected with this book.  I won’t go into details because there’s some twists and turns…and if I say too much, it would ruin it for you!  But here’s the review from GoodReads:


I’ll be getting some discussion question ideas from these sites…but WAIT until you read the book before visiting these sites!

Novel Dame and Pages Turned

Stephanie Rische’s Book of the Month Club

The Written Word

The Well-Read Ladies

If you get a chance to read this book or if you have already, be sure and let me know your thoughts!  Have a great day….DO or LEARN or READ something NEW!